
Classes are taught by Darragh Muckell Sensei 4th Dan JKS.

Darragh Sensei started karate in Cork IT at the age of 18. He continued his training in Co Clare for a number of years under Sensei Michael Hogan 6th Dan ASKI & Sensei Dave Hazard 7th Dan under whom he graded up the kyu grades and to 1st Dan.

Sensei Hazards influence is still felt and remembered in his own training and he owes a great deal. After bringing the club to the JKS Ireland, led by technical director Dermot O'Keeffe Sensei 7th Dan; Darragh graded successfully to 2nd and 3rd Dan under JKS chief instructor Kagawa Masao Shihan 9th Dan & graded to 4th Dan in Japan in 2023.

He has competed on the JKS Ireland national team at world and European championships, winning 2 bronze medals in Belgium in 2017 for senior kumite individual and team.

He is also qualified Instructor & Judge D & Examiner C, under the JKS.


Darragh Sensei is a full time karate instructor, devoting his full time to training and continually improving teaching methods and knowledge. He is a qualified Judge D, Instructor D & Examiner Cthrough the JKS in Japan.

He still competes himself on occasion and travels annually to the JKS Honbu Dojo in Tokyo, Japan for intensive training with all the HQ instructors including at Teikyo university when the opportunity arises.

+Darragh Sensei has cross-trained in some other styles most notably Muay Thai and still incorporates some of those training methods in his karate.